
I’m Becky!

Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant
I am passionate about helping others make small, simple changes to their eating and lifestyle habits to blossom into the best version of themselves.
About Me

A Little Bit About Me

I spent my childhood in rural Alberta and British Columbia running through forests, swimming in lakes and enjoying clean, fresh air. My 3 siblings and I were blessed to have a hard-working father who was always busy building or fixing something and a talented mother who made most of our food and clothes herself. This was a wonderful foundation and developed a love for connection and the outdoors, which I still treasure today.

To cope with childhood trauma and sexual assault in my teens, I began binging and purging at an early age. Even though I ate fairly well and exercised regularly, my bulimic behavior continued for the next 30 years, causing weight fluctuations, depression and chronic poor digestion.

 During my teens and early 20’s I worked a variety of jobs including several health food stores and a ladies-only gym, before earning a Personal Trainer certificate from Mount Royal College. I moved back to the Edmonton area shortly before the birth of my first child. After my husband and I divorced in my early 30’s, I threw myself into raising our 3 children as a single parent, starting a small business and working part time.

 At 45, I lost my corporate job, 2 of my children moved out and an injury ended my 30+ year running career, all within a 6 month period. After taking some time off, I began therapy (again) and embarked on the journey to heal past wounds, learn to love myself completely and decide what I truly wanted my life to look like.

 During the next 2 years, I completed my 200 hour yoga teacher training, earned a wellness coaching certificate and became a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant.

 My goal is to empower you to incorporate healthy whole foods, enjoyable activity and mindfulness into your busy lifestyle. Making small, simple changes that are quick, easy and affordable will soon become habits that will help you grow into the best version of you!

About You

Your Journey Towards Wellness

Do you want to start the journey towards feeling great and nourishing your body? Here are some first steps to get your started. 


Only you can decide what you want your health and life to look like. Get ready to take charge and make it happen!

Goal Setting

What improvements would you like to see with your health? What areas of your life need change?


We all need encouragement, help mapping out a plan that will work for us or both!  Reach out and get the support you need. 

Get Started


One on One Consulting

We’ll spend our time together talking about your intake information, your unique needs and the plan for moving towards your goals.

Meal Plans

Taking into consideration your goals, tastes, budget and time, I can create a 7, 14 or 30 day meal plan for you.  

Follow Up 

We’ll spend this time talking about what worked well (& what didn’t) since we last met and updating your plan.  

Monthly Coaching 

This includes an initial 1+ hour consultation, plus 30 minute weekly phone or in-person coaching to discuss sucesses and challenges, and make small changes to your plan. 

Book an Appointment

Let’s Get Started

If my story resonates with you and/or you’d like to learn more about my services, email me to book a free 15 minute discovery call!

Once you decide you’d like to continue your journey with me, we will book a longer meeting to talk about your unique goals and needs, and work together to help you reach them!  

Contact Me

Get In Touch

Fill out the form below to book your free discovery call or ask any of your questions.


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